Brochure – “Construction and Construction Materials for 2050 and beyond”
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Excessive emissions of CO2 in the cement industry are exacerbating climate change. Today’s CO2 emissions from cement plants account for seven percent of global CO2 emissions. The implementation of the Oxyfuel process could take cement plants a big step further towards achieving long-term carbon neutrality. thyssenkrupp is also working in other sectors, such as steel production with Carbon2Chem®, to isolate and reuse CO2. Both technologies use synergies from the chemical and renewable energy sectors and show that the capture, storage and utilization of CO2 to achieve carbon neutrality is not a contradiction in terms. thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions
With the need to meet the Paris Agreement, the focus is now on breakthrough technologies such as CCUS and process electrification. Innovative cements include both new clinker substitutes and new types of clinker and new binding materials. Furthermore we will observe business and services innovation in the whole value chain including digitization and BIM. Global Cement and Concrete Association.
The cement plant of the future achieves considerably lower operating costs and higher asset value through higher energy efficiency, yield, and throughput. More targeted and effective maintenance lengthens the lifetime of equipment. Each plant’s environmental footprint is minimized, securing its license to operate across locations and jurisdictions. The plant meets customer demand by dynamically adjusting production and logistics according to real-time customer data. McKinsey
Mesh mold prefabrication involves the rapid as well as material and cost efficient industrial prefabrication of 3D mesh structures which act as both formwork and structural reinforcement .A new, robotic wire application process, makes it possible to fabricate mesh molds with continuous reinforcement in both directions. This automated bending and welding process enables the fabrication and layering of doubly curved meshes from steel rebar of up to 12 mm diameter. Thanks to the implementation of an innovative and automated structural design approach, complex Mesh Mould structures can be dimensioned and optimized following international standards for reinforced concrete structures in a
Online-Diskussion zum Thema Green Deal 2050: Bauen für eine klimaneutrale Zukunft – Lösungen gesucht Montag, 22. März 2021, 15.00 – 16.30 Uhr Zukunftsfähiges Bauen braucht radikale Innovationen, wie uns herausragende Beispiele aus der Schweiz zeigen: Mit dem Quartier „Suurstoffi“ wird die Stadtentwicklung Richtung Null Emissionen vorangetrieben, an der ETH Zürich wird die Digitalisierung im Bauen ausgelotet und auf der Experimentalplattform NEST der EMPA werden die Bautechnologien der Zukunft umgesetzt. Die Forschungsplattform ReConstruct lädt zu einer Diskussion ein, wie sowohl Österreich als auch der EU-Green Deal von diesen Innovationen profitieren können und im Gebäudesektor die Klimaneutralität sichergestellt werden kann. Impulsstatement Leonore
Buildings are responsible for about 40% of the EU’s energy consumption, and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions from energy. But only 1% of buildings undergo energy efficient renovation every year, so effective action is crucial to making Europe climate-neutral by 2050. With nearly 34 million Europeans unable to afford keeping their homes heated, public policies to promote energy efficient renovation are also a response to energy poverty, support the health and wellbeing of people and help reduce their energy bills. European Commission
The Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment (the Commitment) challenges business, organisations, cities, states and regions to reach net zero carbon in operation for all assets under their direct control by 2030, and to advocate for all buildings to be net zero carbon in operation by 2050. World Green Business Council
How border adjustment measures can enable the transition to a low-carbon cement industry. Sandbag
The cement plant of the future will embrace digitization and sustainability trends to earn a competitive advantage and build resilience. McKinsey